It’s people that make the difference
Friday, June 29, 2022 at 12:55PM
elliott duston in Bush Inn, campaign


When your customers come back time and time again, its not the product as much as the whole experience that entices them to return. It’s the people that make the difference in the end.

‘Meet the locals’ is the Bush Inn Centre’s new campaign.

The Bush Inn Centre across in the west side of Christchurch has been undergoing some major changes to their shopping centre by way of renovations. 

And on the whole customers have reminded loyal, with 80 plus percent visiting the centre once a week or more - that's the sign of being an important part of the local community.

Our ‘Meet the Locals’ campaign has taken this belief in the value of the ‘human connection’ to a new level. Retailers from throughout the centre fronted up to the photo shoot (with the normal levels of trepidation!) and the result has been an arresting set of posters featuring the people customers see each week when the visit the Bush Inn Centre.

It’s all about the people - so get to the Bush Inn Centre, & meet the locals!

Article originally appeared on advertising | marketing | strategy | design (
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