Featured Clients

Entries in campaign (3)


Multi award winner goes world class


It's not everyday you get to work on a brand that has already gained world wide acclaim. When Theophany Loud Speakers wanted to step their brand up to compete on the international stage they were already doing plenty right. 

Luxon deigned a new logo and paired it with a marketing strategy that included endorsements from some very well known artists. Hammond Peak is the sound mixer for the Lord of the rings Return of the King and King Kong movies and was delighted to share with the world his thoughts on Theophany Speakers. His resounding endorsement leaving no doubt how impressed he is with these highly awarded speakers.

Theopphany themselves have seen immediate results having the best season of business ever.

Thoughtful and strategic creative again brings home the power of authentically matching brand and market and expressing the emotion and passion beyond ourselves to our customer, no matter where in the world they are.



Kathmandu settles into Portlink


Building a 5000sqm national distribution centre within months of a major earthquake & aftershock sequence shows vision, commitment & resilience. Portlink Park, a Luxon client, handed over to Kathmandu its brand new facility at a very special event.

Christchurch based retailer Kathmandu is preparing to move into it new national distribution centre at Portlink Industrial Park.

David Mortimer of Arcus Developments commented how “It is a great name to have as our first design build.” Kathmandu signed a lease in May 2011, with the site’s proximity to the February 2011 earthquake not being a concern as long as the building was built to the required standards. The distribution centre exceeds the new seismic building standards.

This kind of progressive vision, commitment to producing a quality end product and flexible resilience has proved a winning combination for both Kathmandu, Arcus and Portlink. 

Let’s hope other brave visionaries will soon follow suit!



It’s people that make the difference


When your customers come back time and time again, its not the product as much as the whole experience that entices them to return. It’s the people that make the difference in the end.

‘Meet the locals’ is the Bush Inn Centre’s new campaign.

The Bush Inn Centre across in the west side of Christchurch has been undergoing some major changes to their shopping centre by way of renovations. 

And on the whole customers have reminded loyal, with 80 plus percent visiting the centre once a week or more - that's the sign of being an important part of the local community.

Our ‘Meet the Locals’ campaign has taken this belief in the value of the ‘human connection’ to a new level. Retailers from throughout the centre fronted up to the photo shoot (with the normal levels of trepidation!) and the result has been an arresting set of posters featuring the people customers see each week when the visit the Bush Inn Centre.

It’s all about the people - so get to the Bush Inn Centre, & meet the locals!