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Entries in Event (2)


Rubbing shoulders with the fans

There is nothing quite as energizing as spending time alongside the loyal customers that own your brand and make it great. 

The Great Kiwi Beer Festival saw over 10,000 people rub shoulders with their favorite beer brands like Monteith’s.

One hot day in February saw over 10,000 people descend on Hagley Park in Christchurch to celebrate their favorite beer, and the Monteith’s brand experience area played its part handsomely.

Luxon created a true West Coast themed brand experience that showcased Monteith’s in al it’s authentic tradition. Our awesome team served a loyal Monteith’s drinker every ten seconds on average! An amazing and exhausting day surrounded with ten of the countries finest beers from the Monteith’s family.

It doesn’t fail to delight me, when I meet a customer that is as exciting about the brand, if not more excited, than we are. And at this festival we met plenty! Monteith’s sums up all that's good and authentic about New Zealand life... and the punters know it!



Kathmandu settles into Portlink


Building a 5000sqm national distribution centre within months of a major earthquake & aftershock sequence shows vision, commitment & resilience. Portlink Park, a Luxon client, handed over to Kathmandu its brand new facility at a very special event.

Christchurch based retailer Kathmandu is preparing to move into it new national distribution centre at Portlink Industrial Park.

David Mortimer of Arcus Developments commented how “It is a great name to have as our first design build.” Kathmandu signed a lease in May 2011, with the site’s proximity to the February 2011 earthquake not being a concern as long as the building was built to the required standards. The distribution centre exceeds the new seismic building standards.

This kind of progressive vision, commitment to producing a quality end product and flexible resilience has proved a winning combination for both Kathmandu, Arcus and Portlink. 

Let’s hope other brave visionaries will soon follow suit!
